Vickee Y.
Based in: New York City
Hometown: Milwaukee, WI
Industry: Fashion
Age: 30
Instagram: @VeryVickee, @ShopVinai
Vickee Y. is a New York-based Stylist, Entrepreneur, and Creative. Her vision and businesses are rooted in self-love, designed to not only help you look good on the outside, but also feel good on the inside.
Tell us about your business, Vinai.
Vinai. is a brand and online boutique dedicated to women who are confident, bold & know that they don’t need to be half naked to be beautiful. We’re focused on simplicity, minimalism & a neutral palette.
How did you get your idea/concept for Vinai.?
Owning an online boutique has always been a dream of mine. After years of putting it off & talking myself out of it, I finally launched Vinai. - in the midst of a pandemic might I add. I’ve always been a fashion girl but constantly felt like the traditional stores didn’t offer pieces that fit my personal style. I’m very particular & know exactly what I want, & oftentimes I’d walk out with nothing. I wanted to be fabulous like the movies, but growing up in the Midwest the style was very American & boring, so I felt extremely limited. There was just something missing, & I wanted to fulfill it.
How did you come up with the name for your venture?
Vinai. comes from ‘Ban Vinai’ - the refugee camp in Thailand where I was born. It really meant a lot for me to include a big piece of myself in this company. This is a place that birthed me, & made me who I am. It’s a reminder of the struggle, sacrifice & strength of my parents & grandparents - all of which I wanted to embed into the brand. There is no success without the above.
What was Vinai.’s mission at the outset? Has it changed over time at all? If so, why?
So much of our society is centered around exposing a woman’s body - there’s so much pressure to be sexy from men, from other women, from social media & etc. I just wanted to bring back a little class and show women that being a lady is still and will forever be the trend. I’ve always believed that you don’t have to do too much in order to stand out.
What are some business challenges that you have experienced and how have you overcome them?
Finances are my biggest headaches. It’s tough funding your own business, especially when you have pieces that don’t always sell out or can’t put up the money to purchase additional inventory, missing out on sales & profits. There are also so many business expenses that can take a toll on your bank account if not properly accounted for. I’ve learned how to manage my money better & plan ahead, making sure all expenses are taken care of before launching new pieces. When you’re still small like myself, you don’t necessarily need to hire an accountant but you definitely need to be your own bookkeeper. 50% of things I know about running my own business have been from watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts & educating myself as often as I can. The other 50% is honestly just experience. You have to fail a few times in order to know what works.
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Seeing my customers get excited about their orders, seeing them kill it in their outfits, hearing how happy they are with their pieces, etc. On bad days when I may have a little doubt about the success of the brand, I’m reminded of how much support I have & it just makes me want to continue to build & grow.
To what do you attribute the success of your business?
I think it’s really my state of mind - which BTW didn’t come easy: but, why can’t Vinai. become a billion dollar empire? Why can’t I be a BOSS & have everything I want? I’ve had to train my mind to focus on all the amazing things that could be, instead of the bad that will probably never be. Having a strong work ethic, & being stubborn about what I want has also come in handy.
“Why can’t I be a BOSS & have everything I want? I’ve had to train my mind to focus on all the amazing things that could be, instead of the bad that will probably never be. ”
What is unique about your business?
I think what really makes a brand stand out is their story, where they came from & what they stand for. I’m not the first to sell women’s clothing & I won’t be the last but people connect to Vinai. & support me because they love who I am as a person. & for that, I’m incredibly thankful. We’re also special in the sense that unlike a lot of online boutiques who put out one or two pieces a week, we carefully curate collections & only launch when perfected. We’re not trying to compete with fast IG fashion, we’re in it for the long haul & want to provide timeless pieces.
What’s your company’s goals?
To be a billion dollar empire, DUH! :) & I want to transition from being just a boutique to actually designing in house & producing originals.
What motivates you?
My parents, #1. They’ve worked their entire lives, and have sacrificed a lot for me & my siblings. I get so emotional when I think about them because they deserve the world. I just want to make sure I give my family everything they’ve always dreamed of.
How do you generate new ideas?
It’s a very intimate process. I do look at social media & trends, but ultimately my ideas come from an imaginary world, sort of. I have this idea of the perfect woman in my mind, then I create around her - what she wears, what she does, where she eats, what city she lives in, the kind of men she dates. I have to create a whole person & this determines the collection & all the content I create.
If you had a chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I would definitely take more chances earlier on in life. I’d try more, fail more, leap & jump more. I’d stop waiting for the perfect moment, & be easier on myself instead of so judgmental. I’d believe in my talents more, & stop questioning my purpose. I’d find God sooner, & let Him take over instead of trying to do this all on my own.
“I would definitely take more chances earlier on in life. I’d try more, fail more, leap & jump more. I’d stop waiting for the perfect moment, & be easier on myself instead of so judgmental. I’d believe in my talents more, & stop questioning my purpose. I’d find God sooner, & let Him take over instead of trying to do this all on my own.”
What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
1. Have a strong work ethic - whether you have $1 or $1 million, you can’t afford to be lazy.
2. Be flexible - not in what you want, but in how you’re gonna get it. Things don’t always go as planned, but you just have to pivot & reroute.
3. Love what you do - there are going to be bad days, but knowing that you’re exactly where you want to be, doing what you’ve always dreamed of makes those days a lot easier.
Who has been your greatest inspiration?
To be honest? Myself. And I don’t mean it in an arrogant, cocky way but I look back at the girl I used to be and how far she’s come, & I’m so proud of myself for making it HERE. I’ve been incredibly blessed with amazing opportunities in the fashion industry. The things I’ve been able to do & the people I’ve met were just a dream at one point. Every time I look back at what I’ve accomplished, I’m inspired to do more & so excited to see what happens next.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Gosh...know that you are worthy of every good thing that happens in your life. You deserve to be in that room, you deserve that award, that luxurious trip, the house, the love, all of it. Trust that you didn’t just get here on accident. Nothing is a coincidence, so just go for it.
Where do you see your business in 5 years vs. 10 years?
I hope to have my own office space/studio in New York in 5 years with a team of amazing people, growing Vinai. & producing our own line. In 10 years I want to be a global fashion brand, shaping women’s wear.
Is there anything else you want to say on this topic?
Remember that you are allowed to do, or not do anything you want in this life. ❤️
Publish date: April 19, 2021