Olivia L.
Based in: Los Angeles, CA
Hometown: Los Angeles CA
Age: 29
Instagram: @itsolivialee
Olivia L. is a transformational coach for ambitious, soulful women of color + allies. She helps them build confidence in their worth, conquer their inner critic, and break free from their past wounds, traumas and other’s expectations of them, so they can create and live a life they truly love - in alignment with their truest selves.
Her wish is to have every individual see the light that others see in them, for each individual to see their true worth and reach their fullest potential.
What is a transformational coach and why did you decide to be one?
A transformational coach is similar to a life coach, but beyond coaching others to take action to make changes in their lives, transformational coaches focus on creating significant, lasting change by getting to the root via self-actualization and mindset.
I actually started off as a trauma-informed coach. I shifted to being a transformational coach because I really enjoy the part of the journey of seeing my clients not only survive, but thrive! I love seeing my clients have breakthroughs in their limiting beliefs and build confidence in their worth, to live life on their terms.
Why have you decided to specifically focus on helping women of color + allies when it comes to self-transformation?
I decided to specifically support women of color + allies, because I believe there aren’t enough resources out there for women of color. Being a woman of color myself, I understand the limiting beliefs that have been ingrained within ourselves that stem from cultural and societal expectations. I empower and guide other women of color to reclaim their power so they can break free and live in abundance.
What do you wish that all women knew about mental health/self-care?
I wish for everyone to know that mental health struggles are nothing to be ashamed of. In a society that promotes hustle culture, self-care is not regularly taught. It is therefore our responsibility to create this shift in prioritization to make our mental health/self care not optional, but necessary. When we prioritize our well-being, we will find fulfillment, joy and freedom.
In your opinion, what is the best way to improve one’s mental well-being?
Self-care sometimes looks like discipline. Creating routines and habits that you know will improve your mental well-being. To create sustainable change, it starts with habits that will help with reprogramming one’s mindset. In addition, I think it is important to figure out what brings you joy and make those non-negotiables, as part of your life.
“Self-care sometimes looks like discipline. Creating routines and habits that you know will improve your mental well-being. To create sustainable change, it starts with habits that will help with reprogramming one’s mindset. In addition, I think it is important to figure out what brings you joy and make those non-negotiables, as part of your life.”
What do you think the pandemic has taught us the most about mental health/self-care?
The pandemic has taught us the importance of prioritizing mental health/self-care. It has shed light on hustle culture and the neglect of our well-being. It has had everyone face where they need to find balance again in their lives.
How do you practice self-care?
Io many ways! I workout daily, meditate, journal, sing, dance, get out in nature, spend time with my kittens and pups, and regularly catch up with friends and family.
How do you find inspiration?
By leaning into my joy - singing, dancing, being in nature, surrounding myself with amazing, inspiring people.
How would you describe a perfect day?
My perfect day would be exploring a foreign country and interacting with wild animals of some sort in nature.
Who, among the people you know, brings out the best in you and why?
What a great question! It’s difficult to choose one person. I would say I have three accountability partners, who I also call my soul sisters. We challenge each other in growth, and support and uplift each other in our businesses and personal life.
What top 3 lessons have you learned the hard way and why?
You can’t change others. You can only change yourself.
Discerning who is deserving to be a part of your life. Not everyone is entitled to your energy.
There is such a thing as overgiving. When you overgive, you are self-abandoning.
What 5 things do you love about yourself?
I love that I can see the good in everything and everyone.
I love my ambition and motivation to make the world a better place.
I love that I am a quick learner and have a thirst for knowledge and understanding.
I love that I have an innate gift with animals. I joke and tell others I’m an animal whisperer.
I love that I easily laugh!
What keeps you up at night?
I’m always coming up with new ideas on creating content, offerings for my clients and/or possible solutions for world problems, so oftentimes those keep me up if I don’t brain-dump and unplug an hour before I sleep.
What do you do when you can’t sleep at night?
I actually have a whole night routine that helps me ease into sleep. I have a sunset clock that slowly dims. It can also play different sounds. My current setting is the sound of a water stream. I also use essential oils and use lavender hand cream. If I’m in the mood, I’ll go on Spotify and play soothing music. If none of the above work, I go on Youtube and fall asleep to a chakra cleansing deep sleep video.
Name one thing you’re really afraid to do and explain why.
I have been afraid to date, because I fear I might not discern well enough and that history might repeat itself. Despite the fear, I am dating. I find with each interaction, I learn a lot about myself through the process. I am discerning well, and have had men show up for me in ways that surprise me in the best ways, showing me what is possible; and that is exactly what I need right now on this journey of mine.
What has had the greatest impact on your life, good or bad, and why?
The greatest impact on my life probably has to come from the traumas I have experienced, with my life being threatened and being sexually assaulted. It was a dark period for me, but if it wasn’t for what I experienced, I would not have journeyed and become the woman I am today. I would not have been able to help numerous other women overcome their traumas and find healing and freedom.
“The greatest impact on my life probably has to come from the traumas I have experienced, with my life being threatened and being sexually assaulted. It was a dark period for me, but if it wasn’t for what I experienced, I would not have journeyed and become the woman I am today. I would not have been able to help numerous other women overcome their traumas and find healing and freedom.”
Do you have any bad habits you wish you could break? What are they?
When I’m anxious, I start picking at my hair’s split ends. While I still have that bad habit, it does help me become aware when I am experiencing anxiousness, so I can do something about it. And to stop the bad habit, I’ll tie up my hair in a ponytail.
What do you think is keeping you from complete happiness?
I believe happiness is a choice. It is a state of mind. I also believe happiness is temporary like any other emotion. It’s more so about how you can bounce back quicker when you hit other states and be in the happiness state more often. So the short answer to this question, I don’t think anything is keeping me from complete happiness. I choose happiness, and I have the tools to get back to it whenever I need.
What’s your happy place?
My happy place is being around animals and nature. My other happy place is eating In-N-Out and watching New Girl!
Is there anything else you want to say on this topic?
Self-care looks different for everyone. It's through self-discovery and building a stronger relationship with yourself, where you'll find what self-care looks like and where you'll find acceptance, love, joy, abundance and freedom.
Publish date: June 7, 2021