Eno O.
Based in: Houston, TX
Hometown: Houston, TX
Industry: Public Relations
Instagram: @eno.xo, @naijacomm
Twitter: @EnoEnoEno_, @naijacomm
Website: naijacomm.org
Eno O. is a multicultural creative and storyteller. She is the founder/CEO of Naija Comm, the first-ever online community catered to Nigerian creatives and Nigerians in overlooked career fields only. She has a passion for amplifying the voices and stories of others, especially the overlooked ones.
What recurring principles guide your decisions, both in your day-to-day and large scale?
Overall, living in my truth helps to guide my decisions. I make sure to incorporate authenticity and love/compassion into everything that I do.
If everyone described you by your top values, what would you want them to say?
I think I would like for them to talk about my compassion. When you meet me, It seems like I have a carefree demeanor at first but anyone that knows me is fully aware that I wear my heart on my sleeve. Also, my hard work ethic and persistent drive. I put a lot of time and energy into anything I work on or commit to.
“I think I would like for them to talk about my compassion. When you meet me, It seems like I have a carefree demeanor at first but anyone that knows me is fully aware that I wear my heart on my sleeve. Also, my hard work ethic and persistent drive. I put a lot of time and energy into anything I work on or commit to.”
Where do you find your security?
I mainly find security in my room. It’s literally my safe space and creative area.
What worries you the most?
Failure definitely worries me the most. Not being able to accomplish my goals or settling for less terrifies me as well as disappointing myself and my family.
What would you do for nothing?
Definitely storytelling, it’s one of the many things I am passionate about. There are many people who have unique stories and some of those people don’t have a voice/platform to share it. I think it’s important to amplify those voices & stories and give people a space to do so.
What bothers you, and what are you doing about it?
Not being able to control every aspect of life. I am a very hands-on person, I like to take the wheel and make plans but unfortunately you can’t control every situation or aspect of your life. I try to relax more and let things happen on its own...sometimes, things don’t go as planned and there’s nothing you can do about it.
“Not being able to control every aspect of life. I am a very hands-on person, I like to take the wheel and make plans but unfortunately you can’t control every situation or aspect of your life. I try to relax more and let things happen on its own...sometimes, things don’t go as planned and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
What do you really believe in? What do you know to be true?
I believe in God. It’s only by the grace of God that I was able to surpass certain obstacles and come this far in life. I also believe writing things down can help manifest your plans, whether it pertains to goals or your agenda for the day. I write everything down.
Is there something that you’ve dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
For a long time, I dreamt of creating a scholarship fund for the youth in my community. I haven’t done it yet because I’m not ready to start it plus I don’t know where to begin but I will figure it out someday.
What spaces or communities in your life do you feel happiest and most fulfilled in?
I definitely feel the happiest and most fulfilled when I’m with my family and friends. Being in my local community of Houston and my cultural community as well as in spaces filled with creatives makes me happy too.
What is your most treasured memory?
One of my most treasured memories was the day I created Naija Comm. I created a whole platform from scratch with no hesitation, it felt like it was meant to be. I invested my time and effort into it. The platform surpassed my expectations and it has inspired me in many ways. So I’m proud of myself for doing that.
What is your most terrible memory?
Honestly, my most terrible memory was when I accidentally missed the most important interview of my life [during that time]. The interview was for an intern position at CNN. So now I’ll never know what opportunities I would've received from that. Luckily, I received another opportunity in entertainment a year later.
Who do you look up to and why?
I look up to my family, they are my motivation. I am a proud daughter/sister/etc. of immigrants. I’ve witnessed the obstacles they’ve faced as well as their achievements. Their qualities are instilled in me. I don’t think I would be who I am today if it wasn’t for them. They are also the reason I am who I am today and why I work so hard.
What are some of the emotions you experience most often, and what brings them about?
Optimism is an emotion I feel heavily. I hope for the best in every situation and for the future, not only for my personal life but for the life of others too.
What type of pace and energy do you thrive in?
I thrive in fast-paced, positive environments. I like to complete things in a quick manner with upbeat energy surrounding me.
Walk us through a time where you reacted in a way that you regretted. What brought on this reaction?
Relating back to the time I missed the interview with CNN...I was really upset about the situation and I kept blaming myself repeatedly. Mind you, I don’t get upset easily. I reacted this way because it was the first interview I’ve ever missed in my life and the biggest opportunity I ever received at the time. I regret reacting this way because no situation is worth getting upset about. Plus there will always be more opportunities ahead if you keep persisting. I realized that if CNN was interested in me and they saw potential then most likely other companies will see that too.
If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I would love to know if my future self is content with her life so far and if she accomplished the goals that belong to her younger self (aka present day me).
In terms of how you think and your view of the world, how does your mind work differently than others?
I don’t get intimated or fazed by others easily. I grew up in a household with individuals that instilled many qualities in me such as optimism, perseverance and more. So regardless of people, societal pressure, systemic trauma, etc., I don’t let it deter me from achieving my goals and handling my business.
How do you think you make others feel?
I think I make other people feel seen and heard. Growing up in this society, as a multicultural individual, a Black person specifically a Black woman, I know how it’s like firsthand to not feel seen or heard so naturally I make it a priority to show people that I see, feel and hear them.
“I think I make other people feel seen and heard. Growing up in this society, as a multicultural individual, a Black person specifically a Black woman, I know how it’s like firsthand to not feel seen or heard so naturally I make it a priority to show people that I see, feel and hear them.”
When you leave this earth, what do you want to look back on and be able to say that you’ve done? How do you want to be remembered?
I want to look back and say that I've positively impacted my community in some way. I would like to be remembered as the woman who wasn’t afraid to stand out from the crowd.
Is there anything else you want to say on this topic?
Important advice: Learn about who you are, what you’re passionate about and what your purpose is in this life or what you want it to be. You are worth more than a job title and the luxury items you own. Ask yourself, who are you? Who do you want to be? Are you truly happy at this point? Self-discovery is important and it’s an ongoing journey so continue to explore it.
Publish date: May 31, 2021