Meenakshi S.
Based in: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Industry: Blogger, Vlogger, Radio Talk Show Host
Age: 32
Meenakshi S. is a mother before anything to her two little girls. She is a community builder, a visionary, and a philanthropist. She is a South Asian blogger, vlogger, and radio talk show host who believes in empowering and uniting with like-minded people.
When did you know you wanted to be a mother?
I always knew I wanted to be a mother, if willing. I knew I wanted to have children shortly after marriage.
Tell us about your mother and her influence on you.
My mother is very strong-willed and opinionated. This has influenced me in many ways - it has made me a strong individual but also mindful of how I raise my little girls. I hope to not be too hard on them.
How did your mother's influence affect you and your sibling(s)? How has your approach to raising children differed from her or your parents? How has it been similar?
I was the first born (and a girl) in the family. I grew up in a conservative South Asian household. I always felt my mother treated my brother and I differently and I was never in favour of it. I'm aware and in-tune of how I'm raising my girls. I remind them of how they are equals in this world and that they are able and allowed to do whatever it is they desire. My parenting may be similar in ways of how I remind my girls of our culture, our ancestors, and our roots.
What do you remember most about the moments you gave birth to your children?
It was love at first sight - hearing that first cry was the most heartwarming feeling. They are absolute blessings.
How did you choose the names of your children?
This was fun! My husband and I were trying to find names that would fit best with my culture, South Asian, and his, French. Our first born is Amia, meaning “beloved”. Our second is Aliza, meaning “joyful”. There was a lot of googling, but we decided their names once we saw them.
How do you juggle work with the responsibilities of motherhood?
I do my best. It's a constant juggling act. If I'm not giving my children attention, I have serious mom guilt. We as mothers have to give ourselves grace. I am driven and very ambitious, but I do have to recognize that once I've reached my capacity, I have to stop and take a breather - whether it be from work or my kids. Even when the kids are tucked away at night, my mothering duties never end. There's always laundry, cleaning, and the other things that keep my mind spinning (aka worrying about them).
“We as mothers have to give ourselves grace. I am driven and very ambitious, but I do have to recognize that once I’ve reached my capacity, I have to stop and take a breather. ”
What’s the most difficult part about being a mother?
Everything! Hah. Just knowing that these two little humans depend so much on me, physically and emotionally, is very exhausting. That's why it's so important for mom's to take care of us, too.
What’s the best part about being a mother?
Everything! Those smiles and chuckles always bring me so much joy.
What are some lessons you wished you’d known before you had kids? What lessons would you like to impart on other mothers?
I read every book and article to "prepare" me for motherhood. But honestly, nothing can prepare you. You just have to live this experience. I always tell moms-to-be that this is a beautiful journey where you will learn so much about yourself. I've had so many moments of realization about who I am and who I am becoming. My children have given me a new purpose and perspective on life.
“I always tell moms-to-be that this is a beautiful journey where you will learn so much about yourself. I’ve had so many moments of realization about who I am and who I am becoming. My children have given me a new purpose and perspective on life.”
What surprised you most about being a parent?
That I was needed. That someone was depending on me so much for food, nurturing, and most importantly, love.
What was your guiding philosophy when raising your first child? Did it change over time or with your second child? Walk us through that.
To be honest with myself, raising my first was not easy. Understanding that I needed time to heal was critical. This wasn't apparent until the birth of my second where I finally took care of me. There was a complete shift in who I was. I felt lost at first, but with time and the right measures to look after myself (self-love, meditation, and therapy), I knew how important it was to look after me.
Tell us something unique about each of your children.
Amia is the most precious being. She has a kind and loving heart and is always ready to help others. She's an analyzer and doesn't make quick decisions. Aliza is my wild butterfly. She is determined and so strong-willed. She just goes for something and doesn't necessarily think before doing it. Both have hearts of gold and are so different.
What advice do you have for your children, and their children regarding raising kids? What do you want them to remember?
To be a kind human being. To never look down or belittle anyone. To always lead by example with good intentions. And to always dream!
What do you want your kids to remember specifically about you?
That I never gave up even during the darkest of times.
Is there anything else you want to say on this topic?
Nothing to add...this has been such a great reflection exercise as well, so thank you for the opportunity to share!
Publish date: March 8, 2021